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All about Soldier's Network

SoldiersNetwork.org – A site that gives all Americans the ability to be all you can be without joining the Army; We must support our troop’s abroad and at home. If you’ve read anything in the media about the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, you will see, there has been a lack of support by the American people for these wars, but we should always support our troops. They do not question the legitimacy of the wars that they fight in, they simply do what is asked of them by our country without hesitation; this is the true definition of a hero. We must support the families of our troops emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. Our veterans are depending on us to protect them in their time of need as they have protected our country from enemies both foreign and domestic. Support Our Troops!

Some Veterans need your help raising money.

Our Veterans are important and we should support them in their time of need. Through Soldier’s Network you can support those who have fought for this country. By helping veterans you are doing your patriotic duty in keeping this country strong.

Donate for Veterans
For Veterans

First thing you have to do is open a new account where you will be able to manage your campaign. Simply set how much money you need to raise (target amount, e.g. $500), by when (e.g. in 30 days), and why (e.g. “Rent an apartment”).

When a your page is published, you will be able to see how much money you are collecting.

The Givers

Anyone can contribute. You can share your Soldier’s Network page with friends, family and supporters. They will visit your page and can easily donate to you. While you are collecting money; your Soldier’s Network page will show the raised sum and the remaining time to receive money

Once your project has ended, you cannot collect anymore money. The page remains online, but the Send Money button is disabled. For this reason, people should send money as soon as possible, respecting the timeline.

You can monitor the progress of your campaign and watch your earnings from

Money Transactions

People can send money through PayPal, this allows secure payments and money transfers via the Internet. To receive money you should have a Paypal account. A Giver instead doesn’t need to have Paypal to give money. He or She just needs a credit card or any other valid type of PayPal payment.

Every time there is a new money donation, it is sent directly to the that Veteran. SoldiersNetwork.org just makes things simpler, that means there is no fee for you.

Every contribution is crucial to our Veterans. At anytime, you can contact the creator of the campaign by clicking the Send a Message button on their Soldier’s Network Page.

What are you waiting for?
Start your Campaign to raise the money you need now!
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